Monday, December 5, 2011

bone pain bites

good news first: went to the oncologist today. i knew i'd been having some trouble with vision lately, so i felt like i needed to get my eyes checked out.  sometimes CML causes vision problems apparently. so far, so good. my eyes are quite a lot worse (more than he'd expect for someone my age) but it is just my eyes getting worse, not anything physically wrong with my eyes. thank goodness. he is looking into whether we should be doing regular eye exams tho, and will let me know.

side effect city: well, the bone pain/muscle pain is kicking in full blast for the last two days. in my right leg i'm having serious pain issues deep down inside the leg. mostly in the upper hip, and the calf. the pain isn't letting up pretty much no matter what i do. evenings seem to be worse. i took 4 advil tonight hoping that it would make a dent. not at all. nothing. i may take 2 Tylenol at bed time just to see if it'll do anymore than the advil did. unfortunately, i can't take tylenol regularly because of the possible stress to my liver, so this can not be a regular thing at all. it's hard to concentrate or get anything done with this kind of pain. makes me understand absolutely how debilitating pain can be, and how this type of pain could keep one from being able to do any significant amount of work. it stinks a lot.

the jane austen project is being revamped more. i really should measure and try on before i bind off and do finishing work. silly me.... oh well, i'm learning a lot about how to size this item properly.

tomorrow hopefully, i'll be able to go get new frames and order new lenses.... and tonight, i'm just hoping to be able to sleep.


  1. I hope sleep finds you tonight!
    The constant pain with no relief is hard to handle. You can ask for pain management help, like meditation.
    Good Luck finding cute frames!
    I am glad you are learning from the Jane Austen project. It sounds like by the time you are done, you will have quite a few lessons under your belt.
    Prayers & Hugs!!!

  2. I feel for you and am so proud on how strong you actually are. Pain is no fun specially when it is like that... And you have a high pain tolerance... Can't wait to see the new you in new frames...
