Wednesday, April 2, 2014

what i didn't want to do

so, since i was diagnosed i've really avoided actively seeking financial help. i hate asking for money. i'm not sure why charity has such a bad name, but somehow giving to charity is good, but accepting charity is bad. odd. anyway, i give in.

the way our insurance works: we have a big deductible. we chose this because the other option is paying a little every single time i visit a doctor. that would probably cost more. but paying a huge deductible isn't really a lot better i guess. either way, insurance is expensive. the deductible is expensive. traveling back and forth to a specialist is expensive. paying for hotel rooms is expensive. and along side all of this, we try to keep living a sort of normal life, after all, we have a 12 year old at home.

so, i'm asking for help paying our deductible. we can mostly manage the rest, but please consider a small donation. it's shocking how quickly a little bit here and there adds up. know that i truly appreciate the help.