Tuesday, February 21, 2012

to take gleevec or take Tasigna

well, after lots of discussion and thought on my part and explanations from several doctors, i've decided at least for the moment to stay on gleevec. this is for several reasons. first my side-effects other than edema and mouth sores and occasional intestinal issues seem to be mostly cleared up. B. gleevec seems to be working fine. my test results are perfectly on target. Drei. Tasigna is really inconvenient to take. by inconvenient i mean this: tasigna is taken twice a day, at approximately 12 hours apart. it must NOT be taken with food. this means that it must be taken 2 hours after eating and then wait an hour to eat.

i considered the possibilities, and this type of schedule is darned inconvenient. now, if the gleevec were to quit working or quit working as well, it would be different. but given that it is, thus far, working on schedule, and the low platelet count seems to have gone away. my most recent CBC shows that my platelets are easing back up to close to normal levels as are my white blood cells, and everything else is already actually at normal.

at any rate, things are going well, and largely uneventfully, so i'm carrying on until next month when we'll do another test to see how well the gleevec is working. it will show how many mutational cells are left. if that is good, i'll continue on gleevec, if it is not, or i have more events of low platelets or low neutrophils, i'll deal with that when it happens. it'll probably mean switching, because i'm not sure what other choice there'll be.

OH: and i don't have another blood draw for a MONTH. a whole month, no sticks. unless i start seeing lots of bruises, then i'll call and well schedule one. HURRAH!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

hurrah for strep?

yes, it turned out to be strep. hurrah? yes, because mono would be so much worse. i'm on a broad spectrum antibiotic and feeling supremely better. thank goodness.

i've pretty much quit taking the diuretic i was on. i'm still a bit puffy in the morning and probably retaining water all day, but  feel better when i don't take it, so....

my tongue still has some not fun sores. ugh.

and i still need to lose weight. erg. i need to get out and move more. with Ahri. altho she has decided she's far more my husband's dog than mine. it's a little sad for me. she curls up at his feet, sleeps on his lap. stupid to feel  jealous, but i sort of do. oh well. it is what it is. life is not fair. i'm getting used to that.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

what a pain in the neck

so, i went for a blood draw and short appointment with dr robinson about my neck/lymph node in my neck.

so here's how it went. the lady doing the blood draw missed my vein the first time. i don't begrudge her that--it's not usual at all. then as she says "i'm not going to start digging around in there" she starts digging around in there. if it hadn't hurt so much it'd have been funny. so i said "yes, please just start over, i'd rather deal with a second needle stick than the digging". then she started over. next stick hit on the money--and she drew out blood. she did the one tube, then she had some blood left and she tossed it.

i go in for my appt. and dr robinson wants more tests. of course. so i have to go back for more blood draw. erg. another stick. and a throat swab to check if i have strep. erg. the usual lab lady always draws extra blood in case they order another lab after, this one doesn't. sadness.

anyway, in short, i'm on antibiotics, hopefully it's something that will respond, because my neck hurts like a son-of-a-gun, and in the meantime there is nothing to do but wait.

Monday, February 13, 2012

it's been too long

I'm a bad blogger. I tend to blog a lot, and then i lose it, and run away for a while. so, what's happened in the meantime...

my SCA life is getting very involved what with being put on vigil and planning for Quest. i've got lots of work to do.

my mouth is a mess and has been for several weeks. today my neck is seriously swollen up and it hurts to turn my neck. dr robinson is seeing me on wednesday to see if i have an infection. i'm hoping he'll give me some sort of antibiotics, because this sucks. 

there's a leukemia specialist in cheyenne wyoming that i can go see. it's only about 4 hours away. he's apparently a world known leukemia guy. 

my platelet count was back up to 92 last wednesday. :) 

things at the shop are a bit slow but otherwise good.