Tuesday, January 31, 2012

of blood draws and ceiling wax and cabbages and kings

first appointment with dr robinson since seeing dr boles today.

as an aside, dr boles' clinic does not allow him to take on patient's primary care that do not live where he can do blood draws. so, he is going to be a consultant, essentially. advising me and dr robinson.....

anyway, dr robinson asked about what dr boles recommendations were. it was interesting. i told him that dr boles thought i should be a different medication. he asked about how strong this recommendation was and i told him that dr boles said that he would never have put me on gleevec to begin with and given all the side effects (most particularly the thrombocytopenia) that he'd definitely put me on a different medication now.

dr robinson agreed that we'd change meds without really any conversation. i think it was likely helped by the fact that my platelet count is dropping again. it's down to 72 today. below 50 and i'll be on another drug holiday. i'm guessing that'll be a week. probably no more. if not, then in 3 weeks when i run out of gleevec we'll be switching. otherwise, when i resume from a drug holiday it'll be the new meds.

current plan: try Tasigna.


  1. Wonderful my dear!!!! I am so glad he is listening to your consultant! :-)
    Hugs & Prayers!!!

  2. I am so glad he is listening... That way I don't have to come over there and talk some major sense into him....
