Sunday, January 1, 2012

i'm getting more educated

in ways that i kind of wish i weren't. you know, i didn't want to be a doctor, or a nurse. really ever. at all. and now i'm being forced to learn big medical words and what they mean. i think i deserve better pay now :::grin:::

anyway. so a friend who is a pharmacist offered to help out with my lack of info about my meds. she looked up the offending antibiotic and found that Thrombocytopenia is a relatively rare side effect of the antibiotic. then she and another pharmacist pointed out that the risk of not taking the antibiotic was unfortunately perhaps greater. (ie: possibility of permanent tissue damage and if that damage got bad enough either much nastier antibiotics--especially since my immune system is not what it should be--or amputation if things got really horrible). given those options i opted for taking the antibiotics and watching carefully for further signs of lower platelets. not ideal, but better than the alternatives. 

unfortunately it is clear that i have some sort of infection in my head. my ears are hurting this morning as are the glands under my throat, which are quite swollen up. i've no idea if the antibiotic, which is apparently used primarily to treat skin infections (as well as some others) and is quite an "old" drug--that's my pharmacist friend says, not sure how old that means it is, anyway, not sure if it will have any affect on the infection going on and causing my throat to feel like exploding, but i guess i'll find out. 

since i was feeling so cruddy we opted for staying home and watching movies last night rather than going to a friend's for game night. i was glad because while i made it midnight, i only just did. and i was terribly tired and sore most of the evening. wouldn't have been good company, i'm sure. 

because my throat is really sore i woke up very early. as a result i got to see this from my front porch! the first sunrise of 2012. i'm toasting it with a hot ginger-lemonade. 

happy 2012 everyone. this year is going to be better. i've decided.


  1. Here's to 2012. I understand how you feel about having to learn things you would rather were in someone elses domain and the hard facts are that it is your only body for ill or good so you have no choice but to take ownership of its well being. You have come to this pass earlier in life than you were expecting to and it pushes hard on your comfort zone as it does not allow denial. It does, however, open the door to collaborative treatment and a better working relationship with your whole system. I firmly believe it is an highly integrated system and the more we can learn about what works for us from our emotions, thoughts and beliefs to how we take the responsibility for nurturing our whole self on every level the better we function and make decisions in times of stress. Mindful living with compassion for ourselves as the first component is what gets us through the dark and rough patches of our journey with strength and grace. you have that capacity and can find your way with just a little help from your friends.

  2. What a beautiful morning! It's good to have those peaceful pictures to take you back there whenever you need a mini-vacation. I got to see Lusche and Morgan yesterday - and Ia, Jurgen, Landra and a whole crew at John and Becky's party. It was good to be with friends. Only have a little envy now that you get them all next weekend :-). Wishing you a peaceful day.

  3. thanks fina: wish you didn't have a meeting to go to. i guess the next one i'll have to go :::grin:::

    i love the pics. and plan to keep them about for inspiration for a fabulous new year!

  4. Well I know that is a big thing to have to learn it is how i ended up with some knowledge in medicine is being allergic to so many meds...
    Hope the hot lemonade helped, now ginger just makes it sound even better...
    Now those sunrises make me think of yarn and yarn dye....
    Hugs and kisses

  5. Happy New Year Dearheart!
    It is amazing on how much you pick up medical terms because they are you now. When speaking to a medical person they can understand you because you have the right word. They "get" it vs. you know I have that platelet thing going on. We were very up to date and still are in certain areas with John and you kind of have to be.
    Hugs & Prayers!!!
