Thursday, February 16, 2012

what a pain in the neck

so, i went for a blood draw and short appointment with dr robinson about my neck/lymph node in my neck.

so here's how it went. the lady doing the blood draw missed my vein the first time. i don't begrudge her that--it's not usual at all. then as she says "i'm not going to start digging around in there" she starts digging around in there. if it hadn't hurt so much it'd have been funny. so i said "yes, please just start over, i'd rather deal with a second needle stick than the digging". then she started over. next stick hit on the money--and she drew out blood. she did the one tube, then she had some blood left and she tossed it.

i go in for my appt. and dr robinson wants more tests. of course. so i have to go back for more blood draw. erg. another stick. and a throat swab to check if i have strep. erg. the usual lab lady always draws extra blood in case they order another lab after, this one doesn't. sadness.

anyway, in short, i'm on antibiotics, hopefully it's something that will respond, because my neck hurts like a son-of-a-gun, and in the meantime there is nothing to do but wait.


  1. Hugs!! There is nothing worse that a digger!!! John calls it dryhumping. He let whoever was doing try. After getting dryhumped twice in a row you were done and he asked for a supervisor. He got to be on a first name basis after awhile. :-)
    I hope you get to feeling better soon!!!!

  2. Regarding the neck, did any of the doctors mentioned lack of iodine? Why am I saying that? My lymph nodes were swollen for some time... They went away (after listening to my mom to take something with iodine), and they came back... I took iodine and Echinacea... they went away again. So now, I am not sure if it was the iodine or the Echinacea. At least, you can ask your doctor. Hang in there!

  3. By the way... that is me, Luiza ( your almost ex-sister in law :) )
