Sunday, March 11, 2012

checkin' in

just checkin' in. nothing new to report health-wise. ahri is growing quickly into a "big" dog. she's starting to get her adult coat. and she's learned to walk reasonably happily on a leash. jeremy and i are taking her (and tuck) for walks a couple of times a day now. it gives me some energy back.

in addition, jeremy and i are starting to play some physically active games on the wii most evenings. Frisbee, bowling, whatever. if i have to stand up and move parts of my body, it's better than sitting and doing nothing. it's quite fun.

i hate daylight savings time. i wish we'd pick a time and leave it there and not switch around.

working on planning out a laurel dress. i need to make a muslin to be sure i really understand how it works. and there will be embroidery. which worries me a bit.

i haven't been to my onc this month yet. i go later in the month. i can't say i miss the blood draw bit, but i do wish i knew what my counts were. it's going to take work to get over relying on that information so much. well, it's a gorgeous day... i'm going to go out in it!

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