Saturday, December 8, 2012

oral mucositis

so, one of my major struggles has been sores inside my mouth, particularly on my tongue. they cycle, sometimes they are worse, then they get better, but they are almost always present. and always painful.

gross, right? this is what my tongue currently looks like. i've tried everything offered so far, nothing really helps much. they are persistent and really lousy.

today is not a good day. :(


  1. Oh my gosh! I thought it would look like cold sores, which are much more painful than they have any right to be. This is so much worse than I'd imagined. I'm soooo sorry!

  2. Hugs!!! Did the changing what you drink help?

  3. Hope this helps...Raleigh, NC. It took 1.5 months to heal, but it did heal.
    I got my tongue burned at the dentist's office. After 7-10 days my tongue looked exactly like your top photo. It hurt so bad I could not eat or sleep for 5-6 days.
    I went to the emergency room and the diagnosis was Aphthous Ulcer (tongue ulceration. They gave me drip antibiotics and sent me home with 3 prescriptions. One was called Magic Mouth Wash, 14 day supply twice a day. Another was a steroid (Prednisone 5 mg, 36 tablets, 8 the first day), 8 days with decreasing dosage each day by one tablet . The last was an anti-biotic (Amoxicillin, 500 mg capsule), 1 tablet 3 times a day for 10 days (30 tabs).
    Hope this helps!
