Sunday, February 19, 2012

hurrah for strep?

yes, it turned out to be strep. hurrah? yes, because mono would be so much worse. i'm on a broad spectrum antibiotic and feeling supremely better. thank goodness.

i've pretty much quit taking the diuretic i was on. i'm still a bit puffy in the morning and probably retaining water all day, but  feel better when i don't take it, so....

my tongue still has some not fun sores. ugh.

and i still need to lose weight. erg. i need to get out and move more. with Ahri. altho she has decided she's far more my husband's dog than mine. it's a little sad for me. she curls up at his feet, sleeps on his lap. stupid to feel  jealous, but i sort of do. oh well. it is what it is. life is not fair. i'm getting used to that.

1 comment:

  1. He is the pack leader so of course she will be near him. Alpha male and all. :-)

    Hugs & Prayers!!
